Monday, May 29, 2006

Class autobiography

Via Mark Thoma at Economist's View, via Bryan Caplan at EconLog, I have learned that a group known as Class Action is asking visitors to write a Class Autobiography. It is, says Class Action, "A powerful way to reflect on class is to take an hour and write the story of your upbringing in relation to money and class." Prof. Caplan says he will write his soon, and Prof. Thoma has his up already (and it's quite interesting).

So I will hop on the bandwagon soon, too, I promise. Anyone else out there want to give it a try?

UPDATE: Prof. Caplan has his autobiography up now, and it's an interesting contrast to Prof. Thoma's. Caplan seems a little naive about the effects of class, if you ask me, but judge for yourself:
From what I've seen, the standard function of class autobiography is to make middle- and upper-class authors feel guilty, and the lower- and working-class authors feel resentful. But reflecting on my class history doesn't make me feel guilty. Rather, it confirms the common-sense view that in the long-run, differences in ability and character are the cause of class differences, and not the other way around.

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